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 Putco LED fog bulb first impressions

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PostSubject: Putco LED fog bulb first impressions   Putco LED fog bulb first impressions I_icon_minitimeOctober 9th 2014, 3:40 pm

with having bright ass HID headlights the light output of my fog bulbs was not really important for me. i just need them to match the color shade my HID's have. i have been running AAC "sexy lights" LED fog bulbs the last couple years. well just like anything AAC makes a resistor went bad and a row of 3 LED's started blinking. so instead of driving around with a strobe light for a fog bulb i had to look into replacements. AAC LED fog bulbs have pretty shitty light output and are mostly for looks. i didn't want HID fog bulbs cause i don't feel like blinding people and i don't really wanted another set of fogs that don't make a lot of heat, but look good.

i ended up finding through Amazon reviews that the Putco LED's are well liked by the diesel Ford truck forums and some others. they aren't cheap at 65 bux a pair, but they are way cheaper than all those newer 100 dollar AAC plazma LED ones.

i am really pleased with the look of them and the light output.

pics... AAC blubs on the left, Putco bulbs on the right. (honestly even looking at the bulb it looks like a kid put together the AAC blubs compared to the quality construction of the Putco's)

Putco LED fog bulb first impressions 6eqhbp

old left, new right.

Putco LED fog bulb first impressions 2hhhwkj

AAC fog bulb still on the passenger side, Putco fog blub installed on the driver side.

Putco LED fog bulb first impressions 6f49k8

still just the 1 Putco blub installed on the driver side.

Putco LED fog bulb first impressions Fand4w
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Putco LED fog bulb first impressions Empty
PostSubject: Re: Putco LED fog bulb first impressions   Putco LED fog bulb first impressions I_icon_minitimeOctober 9th 2014, 4:43 pm

Those look good Jon. I just did something similar to the wifey's Cherokee.
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PostSubject: Re: Putco LED fog bulb first impressions   Putco LED fog bulb first impressions I_icon_minitimeOctober 9th 2014, 5:43 pm

I bet you're hoping for a foggy day now to really put them through their paces.
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PostSubject: Re: Putco LED fog bulb first impressions   Putco LED fog bulb first impressions I_icon_minitimeOctober 10th 2014, 10:17 am

New bulbs look good!

I just put my LED fog lights in yesterday Opti7 from Amazon for $18. the construction look very similar to your old fog lights. So far i am happy with new bulbs better than the stock lights.
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PostSubject: Re: Putco LED fog bulb first impressions   Putco LED fog bulb first impressions I_icon_minitime

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