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 R&T Seat on CL

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Location : Naperville
Points : 5426
Posts : 324
Reputation : 16

R&T Seat on CL Empty
PostSubject: R&T Seat on CL   R&T Seat on CL I_icon_minitimeJuly 22nd 2014, 2:23 pm

I do NOT vouch for this seller, no idea who he is but wanted to pass along a decent deal on CL:

He's advertising them as SRT-8 seats but they're definitely from a 2006 R/T R&T just like mine. I know that because they don't say "R/T" on the back or headrest as they did in 2007 and later and if they were from a Daytona they'd have colored stitching. Obviously they're Caprice Vinyl and not the SRT seats which were leather and had the fake suede on the entire middle bottom cushion instead of just the rear portion.

Anyway decent deal for someone wanting to get awesome seats (as long as they're clean).
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