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 3.6L Pentastar Intake Development

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CAMM Rookie

Location : Vernon Hills
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PostSubject: 3.6L Pentastar Intake Development   3.6L Pentastar Intake Development I_icon_minitimeJanuary 7th 2014, 3:06 pm

Hi forum, my name is John, I am an engineer at R2C Performance in Vernon Hills. We are currently in the development stages of an intake for the 3.6L Pentastar Challenger/Charger/300. We have a prototype ready for installation and no vehicle to install it on as the person who was previously helping has since sold his car. If you would be interested in helping out or have any more questions feel free to email me at I don't check back to the forums often so email will be the fastest way to reach me for any reason.
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CAMM All-Star

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PostSubject: Re: 3.6L Pentastar Intake Development   3.6L Pentastar Intake Development I_icon_minitimeJanuary 8th 2014, 8:04 pm

R2C is a legit company and their product is great! I had the pleasure of working with them on my Challenger and would highly recommend them.
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3.6L Pentastar Intake Development
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