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CAMM All-Star

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PostSubject: smooooth   smooooth I_icon_minitimeNovember 9th 2013, 2:15 pm

smooooth IMG_2204_zps97388d8f
this is Crystal's old reservoir via Adam, thanks guys.
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PostSubject: Re: smooooth   smooooth I_icon_minitimeNovember 9th 2013, 2:29 pm

looks good...
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Location : Northwest Indiana
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PostSubject: Re: smooooth   smooooth I_icon_minitimeNovember 9th 2013, 2:37 pm

Wow Bill, lookin real good
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Location : Mundelein, IL
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smooooth Empty
PostSubject: Re: smooooth   smooooth I_icon_minitimeNovember 9th 2013, 3:06 pm

Looks great! My paint arrives Monday...can't wait to get stuff done.
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CAMM All-Star

Location : orland park
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PostSubject: Re: smooooth   smooooth I_icon_minitimeNovember 9th 2013, 3:12 pm

I regret not shaving that bracket on the front, but it's only a coolant tank, not worth it. I did sand down all the lettering and fill the grooves. I left some of the underside unpainted and I'm gong to try to light it from there, but I don't know if it'll work.
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PostSubject: Re: smooooth   smooooth I_icon_minitimeNovember 9th 2013, 5:07 pm

Very nice!
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Location : Chicago
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PostSubject: Re: smooooth   smooooth I_icon_minitimeNovember 9th 2013, 5:11 pm

Nice touch shaving off the lettering, thought about doing that when I did mine.
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PostSubject: Re: smooooth   smooooth I_icon_minitimeNovember 9th 2013, 5:30 pm

funkpolice wrote:
I regret not shaving that bracket on the front, but it's only a coolant tank, not worth it.  I did sand down all the lettering and fill the grooves.  I left some of the underside unpainted and I'm gong to try to light it from there, but I don't know if it'll work.

I left the bottom of mine unpainted and used some led strips to light it up. The lights were bright but lit up the tank only a little, it was hard to see unless it was dark out. I used red leds though, maybe you can have better luck if you went with white.
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CAMM All-Star

Location : orland park
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smooooth Empty
PostSubject: Re: smooooth   smooooth I_icon_minitimeNovember 9th 2013, 5:51 pm

I left the bottom of mine unpainted and used some led strips to light it up. The lights were bright but lit up the tank only a little, it was hard to see unless it was dark out. I used red leds though, maybe you can have better luck if you went with white.[/quote]
do you have any pictures of how yours turned out? I was thinking red leds as well, but maybe white is a better choice. I'll dye the coolant red, so maybe it'll work out. If not then no big deal, the viewing area is pretty small and towards the back anyway.

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Location : Aurora, Illinois
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PostSubject: Re: smooooth   smooooth I_icon_minitimeNovember 10th 2013, 2:43 pm

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PostSubject: Re: smooooth   smooooth I_icon_minitime

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