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 no more sliding hood pins

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PostSubject: no more sliding hood pins   no more sliding hood pins I_icon_minitimeJune 25th 2013, 7:19 pm

This may be a common knowledge trick, but I didn't know about it till I read it on a forum last week so I figured I'd post it here.

One thing I've disliked about the Mopar Hood Pins is the pins themselves sliding around while I'm driving.

Last week I read a post about using the rubber bands from dental bracers to keep the hood pins from moving.  I had to order them from Amazon because it wasn't something I could find locally but finally got a chance to try them out.  Driving around town today they did the trick.  Not sure how well it'll work at highway speeds but it did the trick so far and they're not overtly obvious.

no more sliding hood pins Pin_rubber_band_crop
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Zack Atack
CAMM Member
Zack Atack

Location : Tri-Cities
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PostSubject: Re: no more sliding hood pins   no more sliding hood pins I_icon_minitimeJune 25th 2013, 10:00 pm

Nice! Would have never thought.....
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