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 VHT Nightshades

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PostSubject: VHT Nightshades   VHT Nightshades I_icon_minitimeJune 15th 2013, 12:03 am

alrighty, been thinking about this for my tail lights. Just a few questions,
Where can I buy it?
Will this work on headlights/Fog lights too?
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PostSubject: Re: VHT Nightshades   VHT Nightshades I_icon_minitimeJune 15th 2013, 6:32 am

You can buy it at AutoZone. I'm sure you can use it on your headlights if you want.
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PostSubject: Re: VHT Nightshades   VHT Nightshades I_icon_minitimeJune 15th 2013, 9:51 am

cool. I was looking online at autozone last night, and all I saw were the ones for the Chassis, Engine, and all under the car/hood kind of ones.
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Location : Rolling Meadows
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PostSubject: Re: VHT Nightshades   VHT Nightshades I_icon_minitimeJune 15th 2013, 12:29 pm

go to Meijer , its cheaper their
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PostSubject: Re: VHT Nightshades   VHT Nightshades I_icon_minitimeJune 15th 2013, 5:18 pm

Got me a can! Just put the first coat on my 3rd brake light. I had to do something small because I gotta go pick up my girlfriend soon. But I like the look so far!
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PostSubject: Re: VHT Nightshades   VHT Nightshades I_icon_minitimeJune 15th 2013, 5:19 pm

I have 1 headlight lense that is clear, and the other is becoming "foggy". Is there a way I can fix that, or will that not even matter with the Niteshade?
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Location : Rolling Meadows
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PostSubject: Re: VHT Nightshades   VHT Nightshades I_icon_minitimeJune 15th 2013, 5:56 pm

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Location : Rolling Meadows
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PostSubject: Re: VHT Nightshades   VHT Nightshades I_icon_minitimeJune 15th 2013, 5:57 pm

before you put the niteshades on
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PostSubject: Re: VHT Nightshades   VHT Nightshades I_icon_minitimeJune 16th 2013, 10:17 am

Yes wetsand the lights it looks so much better. I had my painted with automotive paint and clear. I am not very painting savvy. I have seen lights with VHT that have been wetsanded and they look great.
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PostSubject: Re: VHT Nightshades   VHT Nightshades I_icon_minitimeJune 16th 2013, 7:42 pm

Got the VHT done, I unforunately got the headlight lenses too dark. So I'll have to replace them somehow. So I'm going off my foglights for now. There is still a noticeable difference when I have the headlights on and off at night with the foglights on, so you can still see a bit with them. The rear looks great!!

Also, I just dipped my wheels!

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VHT Nightshades 983975_10151519226422875_972393990_n
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CAMM All-Star

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PostSubject: Re: VHT Nightshades   VHT Nightshades I_icon_minitimeJune 16th 2013, 7:54 pm

Use lacquer thinner, it should take it right off
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Location : Rolling Meadows
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PostSubject: Re: VHT Nightshades   VHT Nightshades I_icon_minitimeJune 16th 2013, 10:16 pm

dont use lacquer thinner, that will ruin you lenses. go buy some 1000 grit ,2000 grit sandpaper and some rubbing compound and they should look like new!
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PostSubject: Re: VHT Nightshades   VHT Nightshades I_icon_minitime

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