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PostSubject: check it out   check it out I_icon_minitimeMay 14th 2013, 5:17 pm

check it out IMG_1700_zps1a16166f
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PostSubject: Re: check it out   check it out I_icon_minitimeMay 14th 2013, 5:19 pm

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Illinois Chaos
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Illinois Chaos

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PostSubject: Re: check it out   check it out I_icon_minitimeMay 14th 2013, 5:25 pm

Oh yeah. There goes about 20 lbs. per side. Or are they going to be sporting on the compressor?
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PostSubject: Re: check it out   check it out I_icon_minitimeMay 14th 2013, 6:06 pm

That compressor might be able to wheelie now!
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PostSubject: Re: check it out   check it out I_icon_minitimeMay 14th 2013, 6:28 pm

Quote :

yep, an ity bity one

Quote :
Oh yeah. There goes about 20 lbs. per side. Or are they going to be sporting on the compressor?

I don't own a scale that goes high enough to verify What a Face but that sounds about right, maybe a bit more. On a slightly related note, does GLD have a scale? If not where can I get my race weight? On an unrelated note, would you guys feel comfortable leaving your wheels and a jack unattended at GLD? Last time I had to be ready to go in the staging lanes, so I couldn't really keep an eye on my shit. I asked a couple sitting around a trailer to watch it and they said it wasn't a problem, but kind of gave me a "stop being so paranoid" look.

Quote :
That compressor might be able to wheelie now!

that compressor was a gift and can barely keep up with a finish nailer. It's for inflating the small pool/ yoga balls.

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Illinois Chaos
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Illinois Chaos

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PostSubject: Re: check it out   check it out I_icon_minitimeMay 14th 2013, 7:13 pm

I never really felt comfy leaving stuff unattended. It would probably be ok. See if you can make friends with somebody that has a trailer and stuff it inside or under it.
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PostSubject: Re: check it out   check it out I_icon_minitimeMay 14th 2013, 8:11 pm

Awesome on the track, deadly on the street. Lol. Nice.
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PostSubject: Re: check it out   check it out I_icon_minitimeMay 15th 2013, 12:01 pm

jontoad wrote:
Awesome on the track, deadly on the street. Lol. Nice.

Lol yeah no lie. When I first got my '69 Firebird, it had the skinnies on the front, I bent a corner and it felt like one of the front wheels came off the ground. Needless to say, I almost pooped.
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PostSubject: Re: check it out   check it out I_icon_minitimeMay 19th 2013, 2:07 pm

So I dunno if you've thought of this or not but here goes....
Get a tow hitch and rent a small uhaul trailer to put your things in.
I goggled ( dodge charger tow) picture gallery and well lots of people have done it.

Just an idea. Making friends with the other racers is a good idea too.
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CAMM All-Star

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PostSubject: Re: check it out   check it out I_icon_minitimeMay 19th 2013, 2:21 pm

Initially it seems silly to put a hitch on this car, but it might not be a bad idea. I'll check it out. thanks,
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PostSubject: Re: check it out   check it out I_icon_minitime

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