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 Toms Challenger

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3 posters
Tom C
Tom C

Location : Hanover Park
Points : 5291
Posts : 522
Reputation : 49

Toms Challenger Empty
PostSubject: Toms Challenger   Toms Challenger I_icon_minitimeMay 13th 2013, 8:37 pm

Now that I know how to post pics. Can post to the gallery

Toms Challenger Th_2f5f436191341f9889f85db497428401

Toms Challenger Th_89537ff5c8ebbd9df0e8320d125b2bee

Toms Challenger 4ad821ec743f1013ee06e625f526181e

Toms Challenger Th_mail
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PostSubject: Re: Toms Challenger   Toms Challenger I_icon_minitimeMay 14th 2013, 6:15 am

No shit, you got your rims at Excalibur??? Didnt think he sold rims that small. That guy is the king of 26" rims and bigger.
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Founding Member
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PostSubject: Re: Toms Challenger   Toms Challenger I_icon_minitimeMay 14th 2013, 6:58 am

Very nice Tom. Glad to see the progress along the way.
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Tom C
Tom C

Location : Hanover Park
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PostSubject: Re: Toms Challenger   Toms Challenger I_icon_minitimeMay 14th 2013, 8:50 am

It took a while to get, long story, the manufacturer pulled rug out from under him. These were second choice but I think I like them better. He is a great guy to work with. Actually likes these sizes better. However his market demands those monster wheels. You play to your customer.
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Tom C
Tom C

Location : Hanover Park
Points : 5291
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PostSubject: Re: Toms Challenger   Toms Challenger I_icon_minitimeJune 27th 2013, 8:35 am

From Mopars in the park[url=Toms Challenger 9491ce87df40241f2350788027b30f9a]

[url=Toms Challenger A3c282a113541db4eacd81baa3b1b07a]

Shows the new cup holders. Still cant figure what what those indents are for other than to hold a can of beer
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PostSubject: Re: Toms Challenger   Toms Challenger I_icon_minitime

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Toms Challenger
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