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 looking for 300 C headlight parts

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CAMM All-Star

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looking for 300 C headlight parts Empty
PostSubject: looking for 300 C headlight parts   looking for 300 C headlight parts I_icon_minitimeApril 26th 2013, 7:46 pm

My neighbor has a 300 C and needs at least new hid bulbs. One is out. I told him I'd help him swap the bad one to the other side to make sure the bulb is bad, is there a better way to check? can you change the bulb without pulling the front facia? I might pull it anyways as his housing is all hazed on the inside and he wants to try to wash it out. does anyone have a drivers side headlight they want to sell kind of cheap? Or a set of good D1s bulbs? Also his mirror is broke. It's an auto dimming one and looks like there is coffee under the glass. I looked around and found it's a common problem, but new ones are really expensive. If anyone has a drivers side mirror, auto dimming or not let me know.

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Location : Chicago, IL
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looking for 300 C headlight parts Empty
PostSubject: Re: looking for 300 C headlight parts   looking for 300 C headlight parts I_icon_minitimeApril 26th 2013, 8:39 pm

I have some spare stock D1S Phillips bulbs from when I changed mine to 6000K And you don't need to take off the facia. Tell him to try looking for D1S bulbs online. They are cheap....ish.
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CAMM All-Star

Location : orland park
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looking for 300 C headlight parts Empty
PostSubject: Re: looking for 300 C headlight parts   looking for 300 C headlight parts I_icon_minitimeApril 26th 2013, 8:57 pm

what is the oem temp 5k? Do you want to sell your old ones?

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Location : Chicago, IL
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looking for 300 C headlight parts Empty
PostSubject: Re: looking for 300 C headlight parts   looking for 300 C headlight parts I_icon_minitimeApril 26th 2013, 9:56 pm

4300K is stock. I had some as spares if he would like to test but I don't wanna sell them at this time just in case
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CAMM All-Star

Location : orland park
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looking for 300 C headlight parts Empty
PostSubject: Re: looking for 300 C headlight parts   looking for 300 C headlight parts I_icon_minitimeApril 27th 2013, 8:12 am

cool. I'll tell him to get the philips for about 160 a pair. I have a spare 6000k I'm going to use to test everything.

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looking for 300 C headlight parts Empty
PostSubject: Re: looking for 300 C headlight parts   looking for 300 C headlight parts I_icon_minitime

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looking for 300 C headlight parts
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