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 Exhaust Shop recommendation in South Burbs?

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CAMM Member

Location : Lansing, IL
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Exhaust Shop recommendation in South Burbs? Empty
PostSubject: Exhaust Shop recommendation in South Burbs?   Exhaust Shop recommendation in South Burbs? I_icon_minitimeApril 7th 2013, 11:23 am

Hey all - Can anyone recommend an exhaust installer between Orland and Merrillville, IN?

Random info time - I have been set on going with the Flowmaster Force II, but recently thinking of just "going for it" with the American Thunder. Is the drone really that bad? I saw a video on youtube from inside the car at 75mph, didnt seem that bad.
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Location : Chicago, IL
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Exhaust Shop recommendation in South Burbs? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Exhaust Shop recommendation in South Burbs?   Exhaust Shop recommendation in South Burbs? I_icon_minitimeApril 7th 2013, 3:15 pm

Can't really recommend a shop for you, the place that did my reso delete was a tad pricy. However ask around for people with that exhaust. The videos you see online don't quite capture the sound. I heard the Cherry Bomb exhaust like a hundred times on Youtube videos and from their site as well. It sounded great in person but the drone is there at speed that some people said they couldn't hear. But some people perceive drone at different RPMs its more or less on you how you hear it.
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Exhaust Shop recommendation in South Burbs?
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