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We openly invite you to join our online community and hope to see you posting soon!
Chicagoland Area Modern Mopars
Joining our club forum is FREE, so please take a few minutes to register and join us in Chicagoland's best Modern Mopar club on the web!

After joining, you will not only be able to communicate with our members, but other forums will be available for viewing and posting. These include our CAMM Swap section, featuring parts and vehicles for sale in the Chicagoland area, the Knowledge Base, Off Topic Areas and much, much more.

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We openly invite you to join our online community and hope to see you posting soon!

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 Posting to the Member Gallery

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Founding Member
Founding Member

Location : Almost Wisconsin
Points : 47047
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PostSubject: Posting to the Member Gallery   Posting to the Member Gallery I_icon_minitimeAugust 26th 2009, 10:24 am

The member gallery is a free place for the members of CAMM to show off their rides. We are all proud of our cars and there is nothing better then looking at all different types of modern Mopars. Here are a few tips to help out and hopefully make posting easier.

1. The Member Gallery is for posting images, not links. If you'd like to post a link to your off site photos, please use one of the other forums.

2. Each member please limit yourself to one thread. You can come back later and edit your pictures. You can also add more pictures as needed. It’s a good way to keep all of your pictures in one place.

3. Try to keep the size to 800 x 600 so the lazy people don’t have to scroll over to see the rest of your car. Remember bigger is not always better.

4. Creating a thread in the member gallery area is worth 100 points, so do it. Plus there is no downside to showing off your ride so why not.

5. Please don't quote someone's photos in your reply to them unless there is one specific you would like to comment on. Just trying to help out those that are still on dial up or have a crappy laptop.

6. Once you reach a level three supporter you can make your gallery a sticky, just another added bonus.

7. Don’t post pics that aren’t yours because if we find out we will make fun of you. A lot.

8. All members are able to Edit their posts in the Car Show forums.

9. Get your thread in the Member Gallery stickied! Supporting Member III's can sticky their thread in this section. For more info on this, click HERE.

Any questions or issues please take a number and a member of the staff will be with your shortly.
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Founding Member
Founding Member

Location : Almost Wisconsin
Points : 47047
Posts : 13182
Reputation : 1139

Posting to the Member Gallery Empty
PostSubject: Re: Posting to the Member Gallery   Posting to the Member Gallery I_icon_minitimeApril 11th 2010, 12:35 pm

Bumping this for all the new members to see!

Any questions shoot myself or any of the other mods a pm or an email.
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