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 Who is running blue tops?

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PostSubject: Who is running blue tops?   Who is running blue tops? I_icon_minitimeNovember 16th 2012, 9:49 pm

Who here is running blue top solenoids? Maybe its the way the srt8 shifts, I dont know, but I think I might have them. When it autostick and I am beating on it, shifts feel pretty hard, but only it autostick. Also if I'm in autostick in 1st or 2nd just cruising and rite before I red line, if I hammer on the gas, it shifts so hard it jerks me. If I'm not in auto stick and I hammer it off the line it doesnt shift as hard when it goes thru the gears. So if anyone is running blue tops, I would like to take a cruise by you and let you drive my beast and tell me what you think.
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PostSubject: Re: Who is running blue tops?   Who is running blue tops? I_icon_minitimeNovember 16th 2012, 10:45 pm

i have them. if when slowing down for a stoplight your 2/1 downshift in auto mode hits hard, you have them. if not, you don't.

if your shift from reverse to drive or drive to reverse hits hard, you have them.

they are actually more firm in auto than in autostick.
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Illinois Chaos
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Illinois Chaos

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PostSubject: Re: Who is running blue tops?   Who is running blue tops? I_icon_minitimeNovember 17th 2012, 11:31 am

Do you think they might feel firmer in drive because it short shifts, Jon? I only used in auto stick when I had them and just let the computer shift. Even blue tops will soften shifts some after the tcm learning if you don't reset the trans adaptives.
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PostSubject: Re: Who is running blue tops?   Who is running blue tops? I_icon_minitimeNovember 17th 2012, 6:34 pm

Illinois Chaos wrote:
Do you think they might feel firmer in drive because it short shifts, Jon? I only used in auto stick when I had them and just let the computer shift. Even blue tops will soften shifts some after the tcm learning if you don't reset the trans adaptives.

it's either that, or the different TCM program for auto. not sure.
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PostSubject: Re: Who is running blue tops?   Who is running blue tops? I_icon_minitime

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