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 BackNBlack's 2012 Superbee

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PostSubject: BackNBlack's 2012 Superbee   BackNBlack's 2012 Superbee I_icon_minitimeNovember 4th 2012, 1:15 am

BNB asked me to post this since his cell phone is somehow not camm friendly when it comes to posting pictures. i figured i would just start him his members ride thread.

Quote :
I know some senior forum members told me to keep in mind dyno systems are a helpful tool for tuning. So this morning, I reminded myself to not take the numbers to heart, and kept simple minded .

After seeing the results of the two pulls, it was kinda hard not to get excited.
I'm happy with the stock numbers and i could tell Modern Muscle was also impressed. For the Dyno experts, the dyno that was used is a Dynojet 224... Lol whatever that means.

BackNBlack's 2012 Superbee 219dheg

BackNBlack's 2012 Superbee 9r5zkm
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PostSubject: Re: BackNBlack's 2012 Superbee   BackNBlack's 2012 Superbee I_icon_minitimeNovember 4th 2012, 7:28 am

These are great numbers out of box and similar to some others I've seen on the 392. It is for sure quite the machine.
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PostSubject: Re: BackNBlack's 2012 Superbee   BackNBlack's 2012 Superbee I_icon_minitimeNovember 4th 2012, 7:59 am

She is running fat. You can see the lower graph she is suckung up alot of gas. Modern Muscle says that is common for most stock. Now if we could just custom tune. There is more potiental power to make by leveling the air/gas mix.
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PostSubject: Re: BackNBlack's 2012 Superbee   BackNBlack's 2012 Superbee I_icon_minitimeNovember 4th 2012, 8:00 am

jontoad wrote:
BNB asked me to post this since his cell phone is somehow not camm friendly when it comes to posting pictures. i figured i would just start him his members ride thread.

Quote :
I know some senior forum members told me to keep in mind dyno systems are a helpful tool for tuning. So this morning, I reminded myself to not take the numbers to heart, and kept simple minded .

After seeing the results of the two pulls, it was kinda hard not to get excited.
I'm happy with the stock numbers and i could tell Modern Muscle was also impressed. For the Dyno experts, the dyno that was used is a Dynojet 224... Lol whatever that means.

BackNBlack's 2012 Superbee 219dheg

BackNBlack's 2012 Superbee 9r5zkm

Thanks again Jontoad!
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PostSubject: Re: BackNBlack's 2012 Superbee   BackNBlack's 2012 Superbee I_icon_minitimeNovember 4th 2012, 10:30 am

Wow, sik #'s
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PostSubject: Re: BackNBlack's 2012 Superbee   BackNBlack's 2012 Superbee I_icon_minitime

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BackNBlack's 2012 Superbee
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