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 SRT8 kicker sub in a mag RT?

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SRT8 kicker sub in a mag RT? Empty
PostSubject: SRT8 kicker sub in a mag RT?   SRT8 kicker sub in a mag RT? I_icon_minitimeSeptember 28th 2012, 10:15 am

Hey guys, I've been contemplating buying one of the Kicker subs that came in the SRT8 Magnums to put into my 06 RT. Will the sub be plug and play with my Boston system? I have the REC stereo and the rear dvd setup. The sub I'm currently looking at is in the factory enclosure with the factory wiring harness on it still. I'm just curious if all Magnums have the plug already run in the car and I can just plug it in or if I'd have to run a new line for it?
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PostSubject: Re: SRT8 kicker sub in a mag RT?   SRT8 kicker sub in a mag RT? I_icon_minitimeSeptember 28th 2012, 10:23 am

I have the stock kicker sub and box from a Challenger. Not sure if it fits but I upgraded to a JL Audio 12w3 in a stealth box for the Challenger.
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SRT8 kicker sub in a mag RT? Empty
PostSubject: Re: SRT8 kicker sub in a mag RT?   SRT8 kicker sub in a mag RT? I_icon_minitimeSeptember 28th 2012, 1:49 pm

No the wiring won't exist in a non srt magnum. However you can wire it in pretty simple here is a writeup on lxforums
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PostSubject: Re: SRT8 kicker sub in a mag RT?   SRT8 kicker sub in a mag RT? I_icon_minitimeSeptember 28th 2012, 4:19 pm

Thanks Okie, exactly what I was looking for!
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PostSubject: Re: SRT8 kicker sub in a mag RT?   SRT8 kicker sub in a mag RT? I_icon_minitimeSeptember 28th 2012, 7:14 pm

the stock sub sucks, if i were you i would just do an aftermarket sub and amp.

i ditched my factory kicker sub a long time ago. i put a kicker L7 into the stock box using a spacer for more depth. then powered it with a kicker zx750.1 amp.

the stock sub is barely an upgrade over no sub.
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PostSubject: Re: SRT8 kicker sub in a mag RT?   SRT8 kicker sub in a mag RT? I_icon_minitime

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SRT8 kicker sub in a mag RT?
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