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 What do you think? How hard would this be to do?

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CAMM All-Star

Location : Lake in the hills , IL
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What do you think? How hard would this be to do?  Empty
PostSubject: What do you think? How hard would this be to do?    What do you think? How hard would this be to do?  I_icon_minitimeAugust 26th 2012, 7:43 pm

Like they are doing in this video here. But Id like to wrap just a certain part of my wheel in Vinyl that matches the color of my car.

Heres the video -

These parts I have circled in red are what id like to "wrap"

What do you think? How hard would this be to do?  Devinodv762chrome475ll

So what do you think? I wish they came off but they don't. Looks like just getting the vinyl to match and laying it out and with a steady hand cutting it out right?
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What do you think? How hard would this be to do?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: What do you think? How hard would this be to do?    What do you think? How hard would this be to do?  I_icon_minitimeAugust 26th 2012, 8:05 pm

I can tell you from watching and "helping" Adam vinyl can be a pita. Doesnt look like there is a way to tuck it. What about powdercoating the areas?
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CAMM All-Star

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What do you think? How hard would this be to do?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: What do you think? How hard would this be to do?    What do you think? How hard would this be to do?  I_icon_minitimeAugust 26th 2012, 8:15 pm

Thats what I was looking at. There would be corners that would peel back id think. Yeah I guess painting it would be the only other option.
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What do you think? How hard would this be to do?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: What do you think? How hard would this be to do?    What do you think? How hard would this be to do?  I_icon_minitimeAugust 26th 2012, 8:18 pm

My first set of vinyl made it almost three years and it was exposed to all the elements. I have some left over from my project and all my black samples. If you wanted to use any of that to try it out lemme know.
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What do you think? How hard would this be to do?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: What do you think? How hard would this be to do?    What do you think? How hard would this be to do?  I_icon_minitimeAugust 26th 2012, 11:43 pm

It could probably be done, a steady hand and ALOT of time, and ALOT of aggravation LoL
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What do you think? How hard would this be to do?  Empty
PostSubject: Re: What do you think? How hard would this be to do?    What do you think? How hard would this be to do?  I_icon_minitimeAugust 27th 2012, 7:21 pm

just put a piece of paper on it. rub a pencil or crayon on it to get the shape. cut out the template. then trace the shapes on to the vinyls backing and cut the pieces out and stick em on. no big deal.
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Location : Northwest Indiana
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PostSubject: Re: What do you think? How hard would this be to do?    What do you think? How hard would this be to do?  I_icon_minitimeAugust 28th 2012, 10:10 am

Have you thought about plasti dipping

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Founding Member
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PostSubject: Re: What do you think? How hard would this be to do?    What do you think? How hard would this be to do?  I_icon_minitimeAugust 28th 2012, 12:58 pm

jamesv82 wrote:
Have you thought about plasti dipping

i don't think plasti dip has a dark blue glossy option.
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Location : Northwest Indiana
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PostSubject: Re: What do you think? How hard would this be to do?    What do you think? How hard would this be to do?  I_icon_minitimeAugust 28th 2012, 1:59 pm

jontoad wrote:
jamesv82 wrote:
Have you thought about plasti dipping

i don't think plasti dip has a dark blue glossy option.

Well I guess I should've read the entire post.

I did just look and how are that "make your own color" plasti dip?

I also seen they have a spray to make the plasti dip glossy and a gold and silver metalizer that goes over the plasti dip.

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PostSubject: Re: What do you think? How hard would this be to do?    What do you think? How hard would this be to do?  I_icon_minitime

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