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 Deballed pinky today.

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CAMM Member

Location : Lake Villa IL
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Deballed pinky today. Empty
PostSubject: Deballed pinky today.   Deballed pinky today. I_icon_minitimeJuly 3rd 2012, 12:55 am

When i bought the FF Challenger it had a Flowmaster system on it. It was kind of loud but nice. I was having a suspension noise on hard fast lefts and the dealer blammed the exhaust. So After Adam lowered it we looked and saw there was a couple spots that looked like contact. So i took it to my muffler guy, I added an Xpipe cause i like the way it sounds on the 300 and to lower the pipes. Well after were done i back it out and head home right away i hear the cluck on the first hard left i make. So dealer what the F. Im thinking swaybar bushing like on the LXs. The Major change was the sound, it doesnt sound as mean as before.
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Deballed pinky today.
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