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 Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something

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CAMM Member

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Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something Empty
PostSubject: Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something   Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something I_icon_minitimeJune 28th 2012, 8:58 pm

I came into work today and my boss said "Do you know what this is?" And showed me this...
Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something 101_0401

So of course I'm like "Hell yeah, that's Grand Spaulding Dodge... Mr. Norms".... He goes "Ok hold on a minute. He walks into his office and comes out with a huge ass box. And says "Here I saw this and TOTALLY thought of you, here."

Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something 101_0400
Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something 101_0402
Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something 101_0403
Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something 101_0404
Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something 101_0405
Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something 101_0406

It's pretty badass, it has lights and all that shit... Pretty sweet. I just don;t know where to put it, I don't wanna put it in the garage, cause it'll just get fucked up, looks like I gotta move some wedding pictures off the fireplace.... ha ha ha ha ha
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Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something   Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something I_icon_minitimeJune 28th 2012, 9:02 pm

I can make a space on my bar for it!

That is hella sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Location : Bristol IL
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Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something   Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something I_icon_minitimeJune 28th 2012, 9:04 pm

That is so cool, I would think one of a kind too... Nice score Cool
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CAMM All-Star

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Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something   Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something I_icon_minitimeJune 28th 2012, 9:12 pm

that is freaking AWESOME!!!!
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Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something   Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something I_icon_minitimeJune 28th 2012, 9:23 pm

oh man that is cool. nice score.
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CAMM All-Star

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Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something   Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something I_icon_minitimeJune 28th 2012, 9:39 pm

For the few times I've met your boss, that's pretty cool of the guy. I wouldn't expect that from him but I guess you just never know about some people.
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Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something   Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something I_icon_minitimeJune 28th 2012, 11:17 pm

Well we all though your boss had really bad taste with the gaymaro and all hmmmm I guess you just never know.. Just don't let him touch your pee pee now he thinks you owe him and all
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CAMM All-Star

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Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something   Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something I_icon_minitimeJune 29th 2012, 7:08 am

^ LOL Vic!

That's damn cool though. I wonder how old that is.
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CAMM Member

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Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something   Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something I_icon_minitimeJune 29th 2012, 10:25 pm

No pee pee touching for me LOL

It's actually new, I guess a guy at Volo Auto Museum makes and sells them
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Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something Empty
PostSubject: Re: Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something   Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something I_icon_minitime

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Got a sweet new mod.... for my living room or something
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