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 April Picture Contest

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2 posters
Founding Member
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Location : Almost Wisconsin
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April Picture Contest Empty
PostSubject: April Picture Contest   April Picture Contest I_icon_minitimeApril 1st 2012, 9:04 am

April theme is "Out of Hibernation"

Will leave it open to interpretation.....

Rules to take the fun out of it:

1. One picture per member please. You can change it out if you like. If I see more then one post in the thread with a picture I will delete the oldest picture.

2. Just post the picture and a brief description, save the comments and junk for when I post the voting thread up. If you post comments without a picture the post will be deleted.

3. You have until Sunday April 22nd to post up an entry.

4. Voting thread will be put up that Monday and run through the end of the month. Everyone will get one vote.

5. Everyone can participate (except elcobra and myself) so good luck to everyone.
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Location : Bristol IL
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April Picture Contest Empty
PostSubject: Re: April Picture Contest   April Picture Contest I_icon_minitimeApril 1st 2012, 9:47 am

So this is showing my cars winter "Hibernation" home in the garage and under cover, then the cover coming off, and backed out into the driveway basking in the sun !!

[img]April Picture Contest Outofhibernation2012[/img]
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Location : Almost Wisconsin
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April Picture Contest Empty
PostSubject: Re: April Picture Contest   April Picture Contest I_icon_minitimeApril 24th 2012, 11:47 am

Bump Will extend until Wed the 25th.
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PostSubject: Re: April Picture Contest   April Picture Contest I_icon_minitime

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April Picture Contest
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