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 got a different bov just to piss off the ricers.....LOL

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CAMM All-Star

Location : upstate NY
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got a different bov just to piss off the ricers.....LOL Empty
PostSubject: got a different bov just to piss off the ricers.....LOL   got a different bov just to piss off the ricers.....LOL I_icon_minitimeMarch 14th 2012, 12:22 pm

Well like it says i got a diffrent BOV For the truck, for two reasons....1. The one i was using wasnt large enough fir my planned turbo build and 2 to piss off the ricers...cheers

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CAMM All-Star

Location : Lake in the hills , IL
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got a different bov just to piss off the ricers.....LOL Empty
PostSubject: Re: got a different bov just to piss off the ricers.....LOL   got a different bov just to piss off the ricers.....LOL I_icon_minitimeMarch 14th 2012, 12:25 pm

That sound is beautiful. I am not really into the import scene at all but some of these evo's or sti's that have the blow off valve just sound sick when they're ripping past.

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CAMM All-Star

Location : upstate NY
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got a different bov just to piss off the ricers.....LOL Empty
PostSubject: Re: got a different bov just to piss off the ricers.....LOL   got a different bov just to piss off the ricers.....LOL I_icon_minitimeMarch 14th 2012, 12:28 pm imagine that sound on a turbo v8 with cutouts.......pushing 3-350 at the wheels in a daily driver......hehehehe
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CAMM All-Star

Location : Lake in the hills , IL
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got a different bov just to piss off the ricers.....LOL Empty
PostSubject: Re: got a different bov just to piss off the ricers.....LOL   got a different bov just to piss off the ricers.....LOL I_icon_minitimeMarch 14th 2012, 12:30 pm

We need a drive by video!! Or maybe then call it a fly by. lol
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CAMM All-Star

Location : upstate NY
Points : 7526
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Reputation : 219

got a different bov just to piss off the ricers.....LOL Empty
PostSubject: Re: got a different bov just to piss off the ricers.....LOL   got a different bov just to piss off the ricers.....LOL I_icon_minitimeMarch 14th 2012, 12:58 pm

LOL i need to find someone to hold the camera then....LOL
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got a different bov just to piss off the ricers.....LOL Empty
PostSubject: Re: got a different bov just to piss off the ricers.....LOL   got a different bov just to piss off the ricers.....LOL I_icon_minitime

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got a different bov just to piss off the ricers.....LOL
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