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 an unexpected and shitty trip to the tire store.

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an unexpected and shitty trip to the tire store. Empty
PostSubject: an unexpected and shitty trip to the tire store.   an unexpected and shitty trip to the tire store. I_icon_minitimeMarch 10th 2012, 6:28 pm

I bought a fancy digital air pressure sensor to use at the track the other day. went to check my pressure and couldn't get the cap off. I have some cheap chrome valve covers on there. I used a nut runner to loosen the cap and crack the valve stem off. Shrader valve popped out along with all the air in the tire. Three of the valve had seized caps that resulted in broken valves. 80 bucks a pop for new wheel sensors installed and three trips back and forth to discount to swap wheels. I'm almost thinking someone super glued the caps or something. fuckers were locked on. no more metal caps for me.
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an unexpected and shitty trip to the tire store. Empty
PostSubject: Re: an unexpected and shitty trip to the tire store.   an unexpected and shitty trip to the tire store. I_icon_minitimeMarch 10th 2012, 7:45 pm

yea chrome and aluminum doesn't mix. it makes a chemical reaction.

i have to deal with corrosion on sensors on a daily basis. i don't get why people are so obsessed with putting 50 cent chrome caps on their sensors.
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an unexpected and shitty trip to the tire store. Empty
PostSubject: Re: an unexpected and shitty trip to the tire store.   an unexpected and shitty trip to the tire store. I_icon_minitimeMarch 10th 2012, 8:54 pm

Been there done that. I had some nice metal caps laying around and put them on my wife's Journey a couple years ago.... I'm not used to having cars with TPS sensors and aluminum doesn't mix with the metal caps as Jontoad stated.

I busted one valve myself and had to put the spare on... the shop broke another one.
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an unexpected and shitty trip to the tire store. Empty
PostSubject: Re: an unexpected and shitty trip to the tire store.   an unexpected and shitty trip to the tire store. I_icon_minitimeMarch 10th 2012, 10:28 pm

Me too, I've seen it ALOT. Especially lately...
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an unexpected and shitty trip to the tire store. Empty
PostSubject: Re: an unexpected and shitty trip to the tire store.   an unexpected and shitty trip to the tire store. I_icon_minitimeMarch 10th 2012, 11:42 pm

They say with the tps sensors to use plastic valve covers, I wanted to change nine but was advised not to..I have two backs stems on my rims ones for air the other is for the tps …
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an unexpected and shitty trip to the tire store. Empty
PostSubject: Re: an unexpected and shitty trip to the tire store.   an unexpected and shitty trip to the tire store. I_icon_minitimeMarch 11th 2012, 6:30 am

Plastic all the way man. Sorry to hear about all the trouble.
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an unexpected and shitty trip to the tire store. Empty
PostSubject: Re: an unexpected and shitty trip to the tire store.   an unexpected and shitty trip to the tire store. I_icon_minitimeMarch 11th 2012, 7:49 pm

I'm not too sure, but IF running shiny valve stem caps are that important, maybe anti-seize on it??
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CAMM All-Star

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an unexpected and shitty trip to the tire store. Empty
PostSubject: Re: an unexpected and shitty trip to the tire store.   an unexpected and shitty trip to the tire store. I_icon_minitimeMarch 11th 2012, 8:12 pm

I had a pair of red anodized on my camaro valves they wouldn't come off.I tried everything,I ended up paying a tire shop almost $100 buck's to fix them.This was back in 2000.
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an unexpected and shitty trip to the tire store. Empty
PostSubject: Re: an unexpected and shitty trip to the tire store.   an unexpected and shitty trip to the tire store. I_icon_minitime

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an unexpected and shitty trip to the tire store.
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