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 question about decals

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PostSubject: question about decals   question about decals I_icon_minitimeMarch 4th 2012, 10:45 pm

Just been lookin and decals thinking about putting something on the car, but noticed a lot of different prices for the same style of decal. So when you pay more are you getting better product or are people just being wierd with prices? Also if you hav dabears e ordered decals where did you get them from? dabears
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PostSubject: Re: question about decals   question about decals I_icon_minitimeMarch 4th 2012, 10:50 pm

there is a big difference in quality of vinyls. that being said who knows if the seller is actually selling the better vinyl at that price till you get it. get lower quality vinyl and the stripes won't last you more than a year.

i buy all my stuff from revolution motorsports.

i actually have a set of stripes here to put on when it gets warm out. same fender stripes i already have, just new. I had my previous set on the car 3 years or so now. they would still be perfect but i have hit them with a buffer by accident once or twice with a foam pad. you probably wouldn't notice the imperfections in them but they bother me so i'm putting new ones on.

i get a charcoal color from revolution motorsports that i really like. it even has shiny flake in it that goes with the factory flake well.

if you like anything on their website let me know and i can find a 20% off coupon code that is advertised for them on another forum.
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PostSubject: Re: question about decals   question about decals I_icon_minitimeMarch 5th 2012, 9:17 am

awsome thank you thats a great help, I Sent them an email because the one I want have to be customized just a little bit so I am hoping to hear back from him soon.
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PostSubject: Re: question about decals   question about decals I_icon_minitime

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