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 AAC or Flashtech

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PostSubject: AAC or Flashtech   AAC or Flashtech I_icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2012, 7:33 pm

I have been also lookin up some headlights for my charger. Did some research and im just wondering whats the better and choice between ACC halos and flashtech halos? I was thinkin about getting white halos and with doin the fog lights too. So if you could give me your opinion that would be great thanks. dabears
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PostSubject: Re: AAC or Flashtech   AAC or Flashtech I_icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2012, 7:47 pm

I think we have a good mixture of both on here. I don't know what to tell ya other than they look hot as hell when installed!
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PostSubject: Re: AAC or Flashtech   AAC or Flashtech I_icon_minitimeFebruary 19th 2012, 7:50 pm

AAC customer service is horrible IMO. Haven't heard anything bad about Flashtech.
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PostSubject: Re: AAC or Flashtech   AAC or Flashtech I_icon_minitimeFebruary 20th 2012, 10:34 am

I have AAC leds on both the charger and Chally for 2 years now. 0 issues with them although when I bought them from AAC I was dealing with an employee that eventually screwed them over so they say. So the buying experience was terrible however did clear up some since that guy left. We will see what happens if I ever need any thing repaired.
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PostSubject: Re: AAC or Flashtech   AAC or Flashtech I_icon_minitimeFebruary 20th 2012, 11:02 am

AAC has still been pissing people off on the z forum. They have an apology thread over there right now. Flashtech customer service has been flawless for me. but I have had an issue with one of my rings. I have to put a new one in as soon as the weather gets nice.
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PostSubject: Re: AAC or Flashtech   AAC or Flashtech I_icon_minitimeFebruary 20th 2012, 4:04 pm

Had AAC on my Magnum and customer service for me was never a problem...... I'd buy from AAC again.
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PostSubject: Re: AAC or Flashtech   AAC or Flashtech I_icon_minitimeFebruary 20th 2012, 7:22 pm

i've bought from aac and had no problem'd either.but i'm not the one to ask.people just kick down my opinion here.
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PostSubject: Re: AAC or Flashtech   AAC or Flashtech I_icon_minitimeFebruary 20th 2012, 7:30 pm

inkedup wrote:
i've bought from aac and had no problem'd either.but i'm not the one to ask.people just kick down my opinion here.

Where they headlights?
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PostSubject: Re: AAC or Flashtech   AAC or Flashtech I_icon_minitimeFebruary 20th 2012, 7:31 pm

i just think with the nature of the products being finicky and fragile you could have problems with either company's kit for a few reasons. if you commit to halos you have to be willing to replace a ring here and there if you have issues down the line. not saying you will have issues, just that it is possible. i have had zero issues with my left headlight rings in over 2 or so years i have had them, but this is my third passenger side low beam ring. first one was my fault (used a metal based epoxy since it was silver and i thought it would match the headlight bezel better. bad choice as it took forever to set and down the road it shorted the resistors out on that ring. thankfully after that one wouldn't set i changed to plastic epoxy on the rest of the rings and haven't had an issue with them.). shit happens.
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PostSubject: Re: AAC or Flashtech   AAC or Flashtech I_icon_minitimeFebruary 20th 2012, 7:32 pm

no, but lighting in general..all my l.e.d 's are there's
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PostSubject: Re: AAC or Flashtech   AAC or Flashtech I_icon_minitimeFebruary 20th 2012, 9:39 pm

thanks for the feedback it helps a bunch and im still torn on which one. The flashtech is a tad bit cheaper but I also i believe you spend a lil more you get better quality so still thinkin about it. but again thanks
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PostSubject: Re: AAC or Flashtech   AAC or Flashtech I_icon_minitime

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