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 good stuff.

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good stuff. Empty
PostSubject: good stuff.   good stuff. I_icon_minitimeFebruary 2nd 2012, 1:20 am

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Illinois Chaos
CAMM All-Star
Illinois Chaos

Location : in the other lane
Points : 13966
Posts : 5492
Reputation : 1198

good stuff. Empty
PostSubject: Re: good stuff.   good stuff. I_icon_minitimeFebruary 2nd 2012, 2:01 pm

Good stuff! Love and passion for the sport. My hair is on fire everytime I make a hit in competition!
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good stuff. Empty
PostSubject: Re: good stuff.   good stuff. I_icon_minitimeFebruary 2nd 2012, 3:11 pm

Illinois Chaos wrote:
Good stuff! Love and passion for the sport. My hair is on fire everytime I make a hit in competition!
Flamer geek
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Illinois Chaos
CAMM All-Star
Illinois Chaos

Location : in the other lane
Points : 13966
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good stuff. Empty
PostSubject: Re: good stuff.   good stuff. I_icon_minitimeFebruary 2nd 2012, 5:09 pm

Vic, go sell something, will ya?
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CAMM All-Star

Location : upstate NY
Points : 7531
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PostSubject: Re: good stuff.   good stuff. I_icon_minitimeFebruary 3rd 2012, 12:25 am

honestly, i think the vid goes so much deeper than just racing..... this is LIFE.... sometimes we loose that "tire" thats keeping us going straight.... sometimes we slide thru that "curve" just barely making it out the other side....but in the end, these moments are what keep us coming back for more......
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good stuff. Empty
PostSubject: Re: good stuff.   good stuff. I_icon_minitime

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good stuff.
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