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 Thinking of selling R/T. Need pricing advise! :(

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Thinking of selling R/T.  Need pricing advise! :( Empty
PostSubject: Thinking of selling R/T. Need pricing advise! :(   Thinking of selling R/T.  Need pricing advise! :( I_icon_minitimeNovember 27th 2011, 8:33 pm

I really hate this. I've put alot of effort and money into getting my car just how I wanted it. Times are tough, and the smart thing to do is get out of my car payment.. I did everything this summer, after buying it last Jan. It hasn't even been a year yet. It has almost 70k on it. KBB in good condition has it at 16,900. Is it fair to add my mods, scince they are basically a few months old. I know not full price of what I payed, but part of the total? Thanks for any help. If anyone is interested, there are pics in the member gallery.

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Thinking of selling R/T.  Need pricing advise! :( Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thinking of selling R/T. Need pricing advise! :(   Thinking of selling R/T.  Need pricing advise! :( I_icon_minitimeNovember 27th 2011, 8:52 pm

that sucks bro are you sure though?cant you get a side job or something?
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Thinking of selling R/T.  Need pricing advise! :( Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thinking of selling R/T. Need pricing advise! :(   Thinking of selling R/T.  Need pricing advise! :( I_icon_minitimeNovember 27th 2011, 9:49 pm

if you can, pull any mods off you have that you can replace with stock parts. sell them separate. even if your mods are new they do not raise the value if left on the car unless you find a buyer who is willing to pay more.

Last edited by jontoad on November 27th 2011, 9:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Thinking of selling R/T.  Need pricing advise! :( Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thinking of selling R/T. Need pricing advise! :(   Thinking of selling R/T.  Need pricing advise! :( I_icon_minitimeNovember 27th 2011, 9:52 pm

Its a shame. Ive seen this car in person and it is one of my favorite cars on CAMM. I hope you get what your looking for.
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Thinking of selling R/T.  Need pricing advise! :( Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thinking of selling R/T. Need pricing advise! :(   Thinking of selling R/T.  Need pricing advise! :( I_icon_minitimeNovember 28th 2011, 5:52 am

Sometimes they will offer less because of the mods.
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Thinking of selling R/T.  Need pricing advise! :( Empty
PostSubject: Re: Thinking of selling R/T. Need pricing advise! :(   Thinking of selling R/T.  Need pricing advise! :( I_icon_minitime

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Thinking of selling R/T. Need pricing advise! :(
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