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 Winter Time Mod Night

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PostSubject: Winter Time Mod Night   Winter Time Mod Night I_icon_minitimeOctober 26th 2011, 9:20 pm

I didn't know if anyone had already posted something about this or not...And wanted to check and see if there were any talks already of doing a winter mod night? With my schedule I always work the weekends and was only able to come up and meet some people at the McHenry Show a few months back...I wanted to make the cruise to Starved Rock...But that Saturday I was in Indy for a wedding then drove out to Kansas City Sunday for the Nascar Race...

If there are some days everyone is thinking about let me know...And I can try to request some time off to come hang out...Could even probably bring a few Modelo ...
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PostSubject: Re: Winter Time Mod Night   Winter Time Mod Night I_icon_minitimeOctober 26th 2011, 10:20 pm

Hmmmmmm, not a bad idea at all..... Idea
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PostSubject: Re: Winter Time Mod Night   Winter Time Mod Night I_icon_minitimeOctober 27th 2011, 11:11 am

What would be awesome if there was a like a huge heated barn/garage that could be used during the winter for a mod day/night.

I went to that thing at D'Agustino's weeks ago and that was like it all summer! I've got a lady at work with a billet metallic Challenger R/T and can barely get her to talk about her car!
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PostSubject: Re: Winter Time Mod Night   Winter Time Mod Night I_icon_minitime

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Winter Time Mod Night
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