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 A/C / Cabin Air Filter

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Location : Lawton, Oklahoma
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A/C / Cabin Air Filter Empty
PostSubject: A/C / Cabin Air Filter   A/C / Cabin Air Filter I_icon_minitimeOctober 5th 2011, 9:06 pm

Hey all! Long time since I've been floating around...Lot of time working, and a lot of time prepping for the baby, which is due today, but not arriving

Anyways, looking for any suggestions for the cabin air filter...where, what, etc. If I can get it online, great. If I've gotta pick it up at O'Reilly's, Advance, or Autozone, I'm good wit that too. Someone's put the good stuff in their ride, and I wanna know what it was! LOL.


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A/C / Cabin Air Filter Empty
PostSubject: Re: A/C / Cabin Air Filter   A/C / Cabin Air Filter I_icon_minitimeOctober 5th 2011, 9:08 pm

ive seen brand new ones on ebay cheap and free shipping......
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Location : bartlett, il
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A/C / Cabin Air Filter Empty
PostSubject: Re: A/C / Cabin Air Filter   A/C / Cabin Air Filter I_icon_minitimeOctober 6th 2011, 1:39 am

i bought mine at napa auto
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PostSubject: Re: A/C / Cabin Air Filter   A/C / Cabin Air Filter I_icon_minitime

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