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 SRT track experience 08/14/2011

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Location : Elgin IL
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PostSubject: SRT track experience 08/14/2011   SRT track experience 08/14/2011 I_icon_minitimeAugust 16th 2011, 7:13 am

Well as some of you know I went for my SRT track experience on Sunday the 14th. Fist things first WOW!!!! Even with the little rain we had these cars are incredible! We started our day with driving dynamics and this was the first time I have been able to actually drive one of these cars without looking around for cops. They really do handle much better than even I thought.

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Then we went over for our autocross event, a timed event with 2 second penalties for each cone hit. The fastest 3 of the day won shirts and alike at the end of the day. There was also a team prize for the team with the best average time.

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Then back to the road course for more highspeed driving.

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Head to head challenge came next with both speed and accuracy count the person with the fewest errors and the fastest time on each run won.

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SRT track experience 08/14/2011 Th_5038_20110814_192955_100

I have to say all in all it was about the most fun I have ever had with my cloths on. If you guys haven't gone buy a ticket from an SRT owner who isn't going to go or can't go or just pay the money and do it!

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Location : SillyNoise
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PostSubject: Re: SRT track experience 08/14/2011   SRT track experience 08/14/2011 I_icon_minitimeAugust 16th 2011, 12:28 pm

Agreed! Very Happy

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CAMM Member

Location : SillyNoise
Points : 5217
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PostSubject: Re: SRT track experience 08/14/2011   SRT track experience 08/14/2011 I_icon_minitimeAugust 16th 2011, 7:42 pm gonna go to blast this weekend?

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PostSubject: Re: SRT track experience 08/14/2011   SRT track experience 08/14/2011 I_icon_minitime

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SRT track experience 08/14/2011
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