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 3.6 Intake - Presale/GB

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Supporting Vendor

Location : Holly, Michigan
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3.6 Intake - Presale/GB Empty
PostSubject: 3.6 Intake - Presale/GB   3.6 Intake - Presale/GB I_icon_minitimeAugust 14th 2011, 11:48 am

After a much longer wait then I ever expected I am finally to the point in the final product that I am good with selling these.

For the first 10, I am going to do a promotional price for $240 shipped. These will more than likely be $275 after that.

As far as when the intake is shipping here is where we are at -

1. Tubes are here and brackets have been produced and finalized.
2. Tubes and brackets are in-house
3. We will weld and finish tubes so we can deliver to Powder Coat on Tuesday 8/16/2011
4. I have ordered the rest of the hardware, filter and boxes to ship
5. Powder coat takes 1 week to complete.

I expect the ship date to be August 24th

Please send a paypal payment to please include tube color (Blank, Silver, Black) and filter color (Red or Blue) in the comments section.

Or call Ken at 770-468-7207, if I miss the call make sure you leave a message.

Once paid, I will add you to the list.

1. Layne Parriene - Black/Blue
2. John Giametta - Black/Red
3. Chris Sprague - Raw/Blue
4. Nick Seekins - Black/Blue

3.6 Intake - Presale/GB 101_0585

3.6 Intake - Presale/GB 101_0598

3.6 Intake - Presale/GB 101_0591

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3.6 Intake - Presale/GB
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