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 What I've been day dreaming about for the past day or so lol Nola mopar

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The Black Stig
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The Black Stig

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What I've been day dreaming about for the past day or so lol Nola mopar Empty
PostSubject: What I've been day dreaming about for the past day or so lol Nola mopar   What I've been day dreaming about for the past day or so lol Nola mopar I_icon_minitimeMay 18th 2011, 8:10 am

It's just so damn perfect, i've been looking for one of these lately and now i've had to add white to my list lol

and so you don't fill so dirty hear's a badass charger

Looks hot and this is saying a lot because I HATE sliver on all cars
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CAMM All-Star

Location : Chitown Burbs,IL
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What I've been day dreaming about for the past day or so lol Nola mopar Empty
PostSubject: Re: What I've been day dreaming about for the past day or so lol Nola mopar   What I've been day dreaming about for the past day or so lol Nola mopar I_icon_minitimeMay 18th 2011, 12:36 pm

those rears are stretched in the Charger.Both cars look amazing.One day I too will own a Corvette.Even the wife wants won so its better,no convincing!!!
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What I've been day dreaming about for the past day or so lol Nola mopar
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