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 Adam does it again.

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CAMM All-Star

Location : San Antonio, TX
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Adam does it again. Empty
PostSubject: Adam does it again.   Adam does it again. I_icon_minitimeApril 19th 2011, 8:21 pm

Just got back from Adams place where he installed my srt I got from jontoad(thanks too). Ride was great and looks good. No pics till I get to Texas sorry. Thanks Adam for helping me get this on before I left.
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Adam does it again. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam does it again.   Adam does it again. I_icon_minitimeApril 19th 2011, 8:28 pm

nice! did it end up nice and level?
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CAMM All-Star

Location : San Antonio, TX
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Adam does it again. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam does it again.   Adam does it again. I_icon_minitimeApril 19th 2011, 8:56 pm

The fronts need to settle a bit more the rears seem slightly lower. Will see in a couple days. I thinks it's about an inch drop.
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Adam does it again. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam does it again.   Adam does it again. I_icon_minitimeApril 19th 2011, 10:05 pm

Nice get them pics up soon bro
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CAMM All-Star

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Adam does it again. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam does it again.   Adam does it again. I_icon_minitimeApril 19th 2011, 10:14 pm

Wow I'm glad you got it done. Can't wait to see some pics
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CAMM All-Star

Location : San Antonio, TX
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Adam does it again. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam does it again.   Adam does it again. I_icon_minitimeApril 20th 2011, 9:32 am

As soon as I can the pics will be up. I'm loving the ride handles so much better now.
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Adam does it again. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam does it again.   Adam does it again. I_icon_minitimeApril 20th 2011, 10:39 pm

Hell yeah man, it went nice and smooth, was SO much easier with the front struts being all put together, but yeah man, I'd say too, you did have alot of stuff in the back, so that MIGHT play a small part with the rear being a bit lower.

But with the springs, shocks, and that SRT sway bar, it will DEFINATELY be a better ride!!

Glad it feels better bro!!! Have a safe trip!!!
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Adam does it again. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adam does it again.   Adam does it again. I_icon_minitime

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Adam does it again.
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