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 Opinion time

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CAMM Member

Location : Aurora, IL
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PostSubject: Opinion time   Opinion time I_icon_minitimeApril 8th 2011, 8:14 am

If I could get a set of brand new SRT forged alcoa Challenger rims for $1000 would you say that is a good deal? I'm pretty sure the rims are way more than that if bought through Dodge but there are also a good number of people on the net that are selling these bringing prices down.

I know what I think about them but I just wanted some opinions on price. I also wanted to see if there was any interest if I change my mind once I get them mounted on my car.

Thanks CAMM
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Location : Chicago, IL
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PostSubject: Re: Opinion time   Opinion time I_icon_minitimeApril 8th 2011, 9:19 am

With tires hell ya! I mean a decent set alone is 600 plus and if the rims come with new or newish tires then win win. Think of it that way. If with newish tires 500 for tires and 500 for the rims which is a deal. Yeah you can find the rims cheaper.
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CAMM Member

Location : Aurora, IL
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PostSubject: Re: Opinion time   Opinion time I_icon_minitimeApril 8th 2011, 9:32 am

^^thanks. I had the same feeling. And its only for the rims. I don't want the Goodyears that are mounted on them.
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CAMM Member

Location : Glendale heights il
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PostSubject: Re: Opinion time   Opinion time I_icon_minitimeApril 8th 2011, 1:53 pm

Sounds like a good deal if there in good shape Be carful though if there used not only you have to worry about tread on the tires and all that but there could be dents on the rim that you can see very well and they will effect how you car drives. I have a few tiny dents on my vipers and at high speeds they vibrait but I'm picky when it comes down to that stuff
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PostSubject: Re: Opinion time   Opinion time I_icon_minitime

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