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 FS: H4 Single beam 12,000K HID Kit

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The Black Stig
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The Black Stig

Location : Lakemoor
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FS: H4 Single beam 12,000K HID Kit Empty
PostSubject: FS: H4 Single beam 12,000K HID Kit   FS: H4 Single beam 12,000K HID Kit I_icon_minitimeMarch 16th 2011, 7:48 pm

Ok so i fucked up big time, I accidentally ordered 40 H4 12,000K SLIM hid kits when i only needed 4... In short huge overstock,..

I NEED THESE GONE. So I'm doing special pricing and just eating and taking a loss on these. The price will be $48.99 mind you this is our 2nd best kit it will come with a 1 year warranty for you guys and six months on the bulbs and 2year/six months if we install them.

and $10 shipping and tax for local pickup

FS: H4 Single beam 12,000K HID Kit IMG061
FS: H4 Single beam 12,000K HID Kit IMG070
FS: H4 Single beam 12,000K HID Kit IMG069
FS: H4 Single beam 12,000K HID Kit IMG068
FS: H4 Single beam 12,000K HID Kit IMG067
FS: H4 Single beam 12,000K HID Kit IMG066
FS: H4 Single beam 12,000K HID Kit IMG065
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The Black Stig
Supporting Vendor
The Black Stig

Location : Lakemoor
Points : 6134
Posts : 557
Reputation : 103

FS: H4 Single beam 12,000K HID Kit Empty
PostSubject: Re: FS: H4 Single beam 12,000K HID Kit   FS: H4 Single beam 12,000K HID Kit I_icon_minitimeMarch 16th 2011, 8:08 pm

630-913-2820 is where ya can reach me
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FS: H4 Single beam 12,000K HID Kit
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