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 Anybody seen this product????

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CAMM Member

Location : Hainesville-ISH
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Anybody seen this product???? Empty
PostSubject: Anybody seen this product????   Anybody seen this product???? I_icon_minitimeAugust 4th 2009, 1:48 pm

I was reading an article in the new "Tire Review" magazine we get at the shop. They had this in there, I don't know how it works or how good it is or anything, but it looks pretty neat. It's SUPPOSED to give a cushion between the pad and the caliper, to eliminate noise, and help with heat so the brake fluid doesn't heat up as quick either. I know some of you have had that problem I've read...

Here's the link to the website, just thought I'd share
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Location : Calumet City
Points : 6440
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Anybody seen this product???? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anybody seen this product????   Anybody seen this product???? I_icon_minitimeAugust 11th 2009, 8:58 am

hmmm, it seem like something that is most definitely worthy of looking into. Thanks for sharing!!
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Anybody seen this product????
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