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 lighting and switches

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PostSubject: lighting and switches   lighting and switches I_icon_minitimeDecember 4th 2010, 10:45 pm

ok, so i have a little project i'm working on that includes led halos and another "little secret". I want to use one switch that will allow me to have an off position, a "little secret" on, and an all on position. I did find at the auto parts store a three positon switch but it iw wired with one hot going in and two separate loads. If i were to use this i would need some type of diode. I only know this because i figured there has to be some electronic device that would act as a "check valve" to control the flow of current. I have no idea what the difference is between diodes and rectifiers. I need a diode that would allow about .2 amp through it but block a possible 3 to 4 amp draw. I know I could accomplish this with a 30 to 40 dollar wireless switch set-up but i was told there have been problems with these and if something does go wrong it is harder to diagnose. Oznium has 1 and 4 channel switches for 25 and 40 dollars but i want something simple.

any suggestions?

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CAMM All-Star

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PostSubject: Re: lighting and switches   lighting and switches I_icon_minitimeDecember 5th 2010, 8:57 am

Why do.t you buy those single you h sensitive switches. They. One in different colors and thdre flush mount I think this would look bad ass inside all lit up.yea there kinda expensive. But for great results I would
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