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 What mileage did your brake pads need to be changed?

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What mileage did your brake pads need to be changed? Empty
PostSubject: What mileage did your brake pads need to be changed?   What mileage did your brake pads need to be changed? I_icon_minitimeNovember 30th 2010, 8:22 pm

Just curious as I think its time for me at 25k miles
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What mileage did your brake pads need to be changed? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What mileage did your brake pads need to be changed?   What mileage did your brake pads need to be changed? I_icon_minitimeNovember 30th 2010, 8:28 pm

the factory set went out right after i bought it. about 31k miles. so i think it was highway driven as the SRT brembo pads seem to go right around that 25k mile mark.

with the racing i do i tear up rotors faster than pads now.
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Illinois Chaos
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Illinois Chaos

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What mileage did your brake pads need to be changed? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What mileage did your brake pads need to be changed?   What mileage did your brake pads need to be changed? I_icon_minitimeNovember 30th 2010, 8:36 pm

jontoad wrote:
the factory set went out right after i bought it. about 31k miles. so i think it was highway driven as the SRT brembo pads seem to go right around that 25k mile mark.

with the racing i do i tear up rotors faster than pads now.

I have around 80 full passes on mine. So far so good but I bet mine won't make 25,000, lol. Miles that is Very Happy
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What mileage did your brake pads need to be changed? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What mileage did your brake pads need to be changed?   What mileage did your brake pads need to be changed? I_icon_minitimeNovember 30th 2010, 9:23 pm

I think mine were new when I bought my car at 23,000 or so, I replaced those at arounf 65,000 I believe
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What mileage did your brake pads need to be changed? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What mileage did your brake pads need to be changed?   What mileage did your brake pads need to be changed? I_icon_minitimeDecember 1st 2010, 11:20 am

I would think it all depends on driving habit.
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What mileage did your brake pads need to be changed? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What mileage did your brake pads need to be changed?   What mileage did your brake pads need to be changed? I_icon_minitime

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What mileage did your brake pads need to be changed?
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