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 how will putting a Ported 85mm Throttle Body help my car?

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how will putting a Ported 85mm Throttle Body help my car? Empty
PostSubject: how will putting a Ported 85mm Throttle Body help my car?   how will putting a Ported 85mm Throttle Body help my car? I_icon_minitimeNovember 24th 2010, 5:39 am

Please help me for anybody that has a supercharged car or if you know about this, but I just got a supercharger and now im hearing that I should go with a bigger 85mm ported throttle body. How will this help me, if in anyway, and would or should I get it retuned if i install one, being that I have a supercharger which is already pushing more air in?
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PostSubject: Re: how will putting a Ported 85mm Throttle Body help my car?   how will putting a Ported 85mm Throttle Body help my car? I_icon_minitimeNovember 24th 2010, 6:26 am

Not sure what it would do for a supercharged car. I think Tom had one and didnt care for it. On my car with a cam and bolt ons, I felt a much better throttle response.
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Illinois Chaos
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Illinois Chaos

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how will putting a Ported 85mm Throttle Body help my car? Empty
PostSubject: Re: how will putting a Ported 85mm Throttle Body help my car?   how will putting a Ported 85mm Throttle Body help my car? I_icon_minitimeNovember 24th 2010, 7:23 am

I have one, but my questions at the time were. 1. Is the butterfly matched. NO. 2. Does it help airflow even though the intake manifold isn't port matched. It probably helps a little, but the stock 80 is close. I think a port matched intake and a true ported tb is what really matters to get the benefit. These kind won't hurt but it probably just helps throttle response slightly.
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how will putting a Ported 85mm Throttle Body help my car? Empty
PostSubject: Re: how will putting a Ported 85mm Throttle Body help my car?   how will putting a Ported 85mm Throttle Body help my car? I_icon_minitime

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how will putting a Ported 85mm Throttle Body help my car?
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