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 ANYONE good with photoshop?? I have an idea for my rims but need help

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CAMM Member

Location : Aurora, IL
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ANYONE good with photoshop??  I have an idea for my rims but need help Empty
PostSubject: ANYONE good with photoshop?? I have an idea for my rims but need help   ANYONE good with photoshop??  I have an idea for my rims but need help I_icon_minitimeOctober 22nd 2010, 3:24 pm

Like the title says, I need someone that is good with photoshop that might be able to help a brother out. I'm thinking sometime over the winter I'd like to add another color to my rims. I'd like to make all the pockets black so that only the face of the wheels are gray. I just want to see what it looks like. I really miss the look of the black rim but don't want all black....I don't think.

ANYONE good with photoshop??  I have an idea for my rims but need help 2010-10-12173455
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ANYONE good with photoshop??  I have an idea for my rims but need help Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANYONE good with photoshop?? I have an idea for my rims but need help   ANYONE good with photoshop??  I have an idea for my rims but need help I_icon_minitimeOctober 22nd 2010, 4:41 pm

you should pm dartboy. He is really good with photoshop
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ANYONE good with photoshop??  I have an idea for my rims but need help Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANYONE good with photoshop?? I have an idea for my rims but need help   ANYONE good with photoshop??  I have an idea for my rims but need help I_icon_minitimeOctober 29th 2010, 9:56 am

here ya go...pic was abit fuzzy like a cell phone pic... but hope this works for you!

ANYONE good with photoshop??  I have an idea for my rims but need help Rimnorthblack
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Hurst Pak
Hurst Pak

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ANYONE good with photoshop??  I have an idea for my rims but need help Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANYONE good with photoshop?? I have an idea for my rims but need help   ANYONE good with photoshop??  I have an idea for my rims but need help I_icon_minitimeNovember 1st 2010, 9:58 pm

that does look sharp.
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CAMM All-Star

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ANYONE good with photoshop??  I have an idea for my rims but need help Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANYONE good with photoshop?? I have an idea for my rims but need help   ANYONE good with photoshop??  I have an idea for my rims but need help I_icon_minitimeNovember 2nd 2010, 9:02 am

yeah.. that looks good.
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CAMM All-Star

Location : Chitown Burbs,IL
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ANYONE good with photoshop??  I have an idea for my rims but need help Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANYONE good with photoshop?? I have an idea for my rims but need help   ANYONE good with photoshop??  I have an idea for my rims but need help I_icon_minitimeNovember 2nd 2010, 12:37 pm

that looks really good!!!!
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ANYONE good with photoshop??  I have an idea for my rims but need help Empty
PostSubject: Re: ANYONE good with photoshop?? I have an idea for my rims but need help   ANYONE good with photoshop??  I have an idea for my rims but need help I_icon_minitime

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ANYONE good with photoshop?? I have an idea for my rims but need help
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