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 09 HIDs on an 07 SRT

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09 HIDs on an 07 SRT Empty
PostSubject: 09 HIDs on an 07 SRT   09 HIDs on an 07 SRT I_icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2010, 4:03 pm

Can I install 09 HID headlights onto my 07 SRT? and if so how difficult is it to do?
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09 HIDs on an 07 SRT Empty
PostSubject: Re: 09 HIDs on an 07 SRT   09 HIDs on an 07 SRT I_icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2010, 5:59 pm

I wouldnt think it would work, but I could be wrong. When you add aftermarket hid's you usually have trouble because the computer senses the voltage drop. Thats why everyone usually has to get the anti-flicker harness. So I assume you would have the same problems, unless you can get it re-flashed or something. Hopefully the Black Stig chimes in, he would be the one to ask.
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The Black Stig
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The Black Stig

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09 HIDs on an 07 SRT Empty
PostSubject: Re: 09 HIDs on an 07 SRT   09 HIDs on an 07 SRT I_icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2010, 6:09 pm

Thank you Shawn, if they are the OEM's ons from 09 dodge, the ballasts and stuff should be self contained and should work if they don't work i can make it work Smile

In either case they would be the best way to go projecotors and hid's without doing a retofit.
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09 HIDs on an 07 SRT Empty
PostSubject: Re: 09 HIDs on an 07 SRT   09 HIDs on an 07 SRT I_icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2010, 8:44 pm

ok awesome! casue i want projectors but i dont like the aftermarket ones...thanks..and if i have trouble i will send ya a PM
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The Black Stig
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The Black Stig

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09 HIDs on an 07 SRT Empty
PostSubject: Re: 09 HIDs on an 07 SRT   09 HIDs on an 07 SRT I_icon_minitimeOctober 21st 2010, 9:06 pm

DamnSTR8 wrote:
ok awesome! casue i want projectors but i dont like the aftermarket ones...thanks..and if i have trouble i will send ya a PM

How did you score those? you srsly didn't spend $1000 for them did you?
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Location : Elk Grove Village
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09 HIDs on an 07 SRT Empty
PostSubject: Re: 09 HIDs on an 07 SRT   09 HIDs on an 07 SRT I_icon_minitimeOctober 22nd 2010, 3:27 pm

i havnt bought them yet im just asking questions before i get started
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PostSubject: Re: 09 HIDs on an 07 SRT   09 HIDs on an 07 SRT I_icon_minitime

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09 HIDs on an 07 SRT
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