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 Sunday Drive

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Location : Adairsville Ga
Points : 6736
Posts : 666
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PostSubject: Sunday Drive   Sunday Drive I_icon_minitimeOctober 10th 2010, 3:42 pm

Well, Deb has finished or on-line class and she was bored so I suggested a drive into the mountains. Perfect weather so off we went. We headed west on Rt140 then north on 411 and then east on 53. This is where it starts to get pretty and the road starts to twist and turn.
Sunday Drive 001
Sunday Drive 002

It also starts getting more senic as we climbed:
Sunday Drive 003
Sunday Drive 004

We stopped at a couple of overlooks (Deb and I are both smokers and since that is not allowed in the car....)
Sunday Drive 004
Sunday Drive 008

Later we stoppe for lunch and I had the BEST burger I have ever eaten, just a small, out of the way place but very nice!
Sunday Drive 009
Sunday Drive 010

As we headed home I turned on the ball game in time to catch the last quarter of the Falcons, Browns game and win number 4 for Atlanta. It also sounded like the Bears bounced back from last weeks mauling for a win. All in all a great day!
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CAMM All-Star

Location : Phoenix, AZ
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PostSubject: Re: Sunday Drive   Sunday Drive I_icon_minitimeOctober 11th 2010, 12:18 am

Nice pics Darrell! Very Happy
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