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 can someone tell me if .....

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CAMM All-Star

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PostSubject: can someone tell me if .....   can someone tell me if ..... I_icon_minitimeOctober 7th 2010, 8:39 pm

i turned on my gauge cluster so i can get my 0-60 reading on one of them i didnt realize that i was changing the settings.can some one tell can someone tell me if ..... Gauge10me what they should read?this might be why my lights are acting weird too....or not
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PostSubject: Re: can someone tell me if .....   can someone tell me if ..... I_icon_minitimeOctober 7th 2010, 8:41 pm

No clue bro, my car isnt kool enough to have that.
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PostSubject: Re: can someone tell me if .....   can someone tell me if ..... I_icon_minitimeOctober 7th 2010, 9:17 pm

i have the evic but i can't really recognize what menu you are on by that small ass pic
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PostSubject: Re: can someone tell me if .....   can someone tell me if ..... I_icon_minitimeOctober 7th 2010, 9:18 pm

click on the pic Jon....
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PostSubject: Re: can someone tell me if .....   can someone tell me if ..... I_icon_minitimeOctober 7th 2010, 9:37 pm

I tried to blow it up then it was too big....focus Daniel son...
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PostSubject: Re: can someone tell me if .....   can someone tell me if ..... I_icon_minitimeOctober 7th 2010, 9:39 pm

You got an evo Jon zoom it in I needs help
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PostSubject: Re: can someone tell me if .....   can someone tell me if ..... I_icon_minitimeOctober 7th 2010, 10:09 pm

That the light sensitivity for the auto headlight and auto climate control...I think
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PostSubject: Re: can someone tell me if .....   can someone tell me if ..... I_icon_minitimeOctober 7th 2010, 10:48 pm

Could someone pkease check there's and tell me what all the nubers I can hopefully not have to take it in saturday
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PostSubject: Re: can someone tell me if .....   can someone tell me if ..... I_icon_minitimeOctober 8th 2010, 12:32 am

bogieboy wrote:
click on the pic Jon....

lol. its not a thumbnail. it doesn't get any bigger when you click it.

I only use my evo to cruise the forums when I'm lunch and not at home. it would still just pixalate that image anyways.
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PostSubject: Re: can someone tell me if .....   can someone tell me if ..... I_icon_minitimeOctober 8th 2010, 10:27 am

Here we go it explains just that knew it was somewhere though you'll have to set it yourself and test and see what works and what's your personal preference

Quote :
AutoHLSens - Number
Current value of the light sensor for the automatic headlight system (instantaneous).

Higher Number = Darker
TC - 2 Numbers
First number is a dampening (averaging) value, the higher the number, the more dampening occurs.

i.e. Higher the dampening value, the longer it will take for the lights to come on when it gets dark and longer it will take for the lights to go off when it gets bright. So if you go through a lot of short tunnels and don't want the lights to keep going on and off, increase this value.

Second number is the damped sensor value.
Thld - A number and up to 2 alphabets
Current threshold value. If damped sensor value exceeds this value, lights will come on. If damped sensor value goes below this value, lights will go off.

A = Automatic Headlights On
H = SmartBeam Automatic High Beam System On
HBduty - Numerical Percentage
Shows the current intensity level of the SmartBeam system, 0% = off, 100% = full high beams.
Available Actions:
♪ Increases dampening value (max out then loop back to lowest value)
> Increases threshold value (max out then loop back to lowest value)
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PostSubject: Re: can someone tell me if .....   can someone tell me if ..... I_icon_minitimeOctober 8th 2010, 11:00 am

Ok but most of you guys probably didn't mess with your number .all i want are the stock values
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PostSubject: Re: can someone tell me if .....   can someone tell me if ..... I_icon_minitimeOctober 8th 2010, 11:10 am

stop fucking with stuff you dont know what it does.... Evil or Very Mad

stop on by tomorrow a buddy comin by to debadge the new 300 they got...
will see what my #'s are at and reset ya!
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PostSubject: Re: can someone tell me if .....   can someone tell me if ..... I_icon_minitimeOctober 8th 2010, 11:16 am

Shawn1112 wrote:
No clue bro, my car isnt kool enough to have that.

It takes time! Keep your head up, you'll get there tongue
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CAMM All-Star

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PostSubject: Re: can someone tell me if .....   can someone tell me if ..... I_icon_minitimeOctober 8th 2010, 11:28 am

i just dont wanna waste the time going to roselle tommorow and have them mess my car up more,i never knew that i was changing values thought i was changing radio
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PostSubject: Re: can someone tell me if .....   can someone tell me if ..... I_icon_minitime

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