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 Made it home safely

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CAMM All-Star

Location : San Antonio, TX
Points : 7705
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Made it home safely Empty
PostSubject: Made it home safely   Made it home safely I_icon_minitimeSeptember 12th 2010, 3:06 pm

Well just got back from Oklahoma got up early to allow some rest time before work tomorrow. Was a good trip overall and the maggie ate up the road and never complained. However on the way back today got pulled over by the state police for 74 in a 65 Sad but got off with a warning yeah baby Now to I need to go unpack the car and get ready for tomorrow.
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Illinois Chaos
CAMM All-Star
Illinois Chaos

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PostSubject: Re: Made it home safely   Made it home safely I_icon_minitimeSeptember 12th 2010, 3:22 pm

Nice to see you made it back, Nick.
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CAMM All-Star

Location : San Antonio, TX
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Made it home safely Empty
PostSubject: Re: Made it home safely   Made it home safely I_icon_minitimeSeptember 12th 2010, 7:29 pm

Thanks tom and for anyone who cares to know I left my engine cover on for the entire trip and the led's from oznium withstood the heat and worked great. I also got a picture of a PCP SRT8 Challanger at a dealership in Arkansas. I will post it up in a bit.
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PostSubject: Re: Made it home safely   Made it home safely I_icon_minitime

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Made it home safely
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