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 Jim Dandy's car show, Hobart, IN

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Jim Dandy's car show, Hobart, IN Empty
PostSubject: Jim Dandy's car show, Hobart, IN   Jim Dandy's car show, Hobart, IN I_icon_minitimeAugust 29th 2010, 3:06 pm

Made a stop at a car show my parents told me about in Hobart, IN over by JD's Diner on 51 accross from St. Mary's hospital. Some nice cars out there, took a few cellphone pics of the important

'66 Charger

Jim Dandy's car show, Hobart, IN 0829001247a

Jim Dandy's car show, Hobart, IN 0829001246a

Jim Dandy's car show, Hobart, IN 0829001247

Jim Dandy's car show, Hobart, IN 0829001246

'69 Charger. Owner pretty much completely rebuit the entire car, judging by the pics he had to look through.

Jim Dandy's car show, Hobart, IN 0829001253a

Jim Dandy's car show, Hobart, IN 0829001255a

Jim Dandy's car show, Hobart, IN 0829001255

Show should still be going on til 4, I think. I'm back in Elgin though, but I figured I'd pass this along.


Jim Dandy's car show, Hobart, IN 0829001254
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Jim Dandy's car show, Hobart, IN Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jim Dandy's car show, Hobart, IN   Jim Dandy's car show, Hobart, IN I_icon_minitimeAugust 29th 2010, 3:20 pm

Great pics! Thanks for postin' 'em up! high5
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Jim Dandy's car show, Hobart, IN Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jim Dandy's car show, Hobart, IN   Jim Dandy's car show, Hobart, IN I_icon_minitimeAugust 29th 2010, 10:28 pm

Thanks for the pics Patrick! Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Jim Dandy's car show, Hobart, IN   Jim Dandy's car show, Hobart, IN I_icon_minitime

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Jim Dandy's car show, Hobart, IN
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