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 Adjustable Swaybar Endlink-worth it?

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Metallic Blue
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Adjustable Swaybar Endlink-worth it? Empty
PostSubject: Adjustable Swaybar Endlink-worth it?   Adjustable Swaybar Endlink-worth it? I_icon_minitimeJuly 26th 2009, 12:18 pm

Saw these adjustable swaybar endlinks and don't know if they're worth installing, i.e do they improve handling, are they easy to adjust, etc. The is fronts; there are also a set for the rears. So, I thought I'd post this and ask. Thanks,

Adjustable Swaybar Endlink-worth it? Swaybar_endlink_frt
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Adjustable Swaybar Endlink-worth it? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adjustable Swaybar Endlink-worth it?   Adjustable Swaybar Endlink-worth it? I_icon_minitimeJuly 29th 2009, 9:40 pm

Doesn't look like a mod that is all too popular based on the unbelievable response. I guess you'll have to be our guinea pig and let us know firsthand... Smile
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Metallic Blue
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Metallic Blue

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PostSubject: Re: Adjustable Swaybar Endlink-worth it?   Adjustable Swaybar Endlink-worth it? I_icon_minitimeJuly 29th 2009, 9:57 pm

You're right. I also noticed deep discounts on these (frt and rear). But, I'll contact the manufacturer and an acquaitance of mine to get more info. Will post findings and if their worth it - yeah I'll guinea pig it.
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PostSubject: Re: Adjustable Swaybar Endlink-worth it?   Adjustable Swaybar Endlink-worth it? I_icon_minitimeJuly 29th 2009, 9:58 pm

Probably not that easy to adjust, but I don't know..
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Metallic Blue
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Metallic Blue

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Adjustable Swaybar Endlink-worth it? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Adjustable Swaybar Endlink-worth it?   Adjustable Swaybar Endlink-worth it? I_icon_minitimeJuly 29th 2009, 10:07 pm

That's a very good point & was my first concern. But, I'll do some research and post what I learned. Those oem sway bar endlinks sure look flimsy. Saw beefier ones but they were for an SRT.
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PostSubject: Re: Adjustable Swaybar Endlink-worth it?   Adjustable Swaybar Endlink-worth it? I_icon_minitimeAugust 11th 2009, 8:54 am

What's the progress of your research??? I'm curious to know as well what's the benefits/gains of upgrading to those adjustable sway bars. Adjustable chassis parts period seem to me very interesting. :dunno:
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PostSubject: Re: Adjustable Swaybar Endlink-worth it?   Adjustable Swaybar Endlink-worth it? I_icon_minitimeAugust 11th 2009, 12:34 pm

these will come in handy only if you are doing a time attack event or autoX.Here's their main function.These make a hell of a difference.I ran these in my STi.Normally used after lowering the vehicle to eliminate pre-load on the Anti roll bar caused by the lowered ride height.With the car parked on a level surface, if you fit one end link to the ARB, then found that in order to fit the other end link you needed to flex one end of the ARB up or down for the link to attach, then the ARB will be pre-loaded when everthing is in place. An adjustable link allows you to shorten or lengthen the link so that it can be fitted to the ARB without needing to 'force' anything in order to fit properly.

A pre-loaded ARB will cause roll stiffness to be greater when turning in one direction vs the other, so the car will handle differently in left vs right hand corners. Just how differently of course depending on just how pre-loaded the ARB may be (and how stiff it may be, with the affect being stronger with a stiffer ARB).

and also another explanation:

" The OEMs recognize that it is important to have a sway bar for cornering stability. It is installed in the suspension system and sent down the assembly line. From personal investigations, the sway bar with fixed length links can induce a load into any two cross-corners of your vehicle. The ability to neutralize the sway bar in your suspension system is a great advantage to baseline, balance, and refines your vehicle's handling characteristics. "

Hope this helps,its a bit confusing at first but it make a hell of a difference at cornering.Oh and some of the above statement might be right or wrong depending on who you talk to.This was sent to me from Tein when I was running a coil over setup.
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Metallic Blue
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Metallic Blue

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PostSubject: Re: Adjustable Swaybar Endlink-worth it?   Adjustable Swaybar Endlink-worth it? I_icon_minitimeAugust 11th 2009, 9:38 pm

I've been searching a lot for more info about these. Looks like in summary it's like HemiMag24s said. Essentially it allows one to adjust/eliminate the preload on the sway bars (front and rear). It appears recommended when cars are lowered and does not only apply to those who race.

Seems like eliminating preload allows for a neutral setting (no over or under steer). It even allows to level the entire car with or without the driver. Installation seems farily easy; the adjustments seem to require a couple of attempts but once set-lock em down and it's done.

Also, the adjustable end links seem beefier than oem's.

Well, I'm going to order a set for the front's - they're marked down by the company that sells those strut tower braces. Will give them a try and let you know.
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PostSubject: Re: Adjustable Swaybar Endlink-worth it?   Adjustable Swaybar Endlink-worth it? I_icon_minitime

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