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 Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t.

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Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t. Empty
PostSubject: Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t.   Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t. I_icon_minitimeAugust 9th 2010, 2:58 pm

it looks like I need new tires for my 08 charger but, I would like to know if anybody knows what's the biggest size I can go without changing my rims out? I have 225/60r 18 Now and would like wider tires. I also heard that if I go to lower profile tires it would make the gear ratio seam better for low end torque? Is this true? And if so which Hight would be the best being I have stock suspetion? Any help would be great. Thanks guys
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Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t.   Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t. I_icon_minitimeAugust 9th 2010, 3:03 pm

Hopefully Jontoad will see this, he is the tire expert.
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Illinois Chaos
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Illinois Chaos

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Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t.   Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t. I_icon_minitimeAugust 9th 2010, 4:14 pm

20" rims and 10" rears 315/35/20 9" fronts 275/40/20 on srt's is the biggest. I guess an rt could do that too. Ask Jon.

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Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t.   Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t. I_icon_minitimeAugust 9th 2010, 4:58 pm

i know jontoad has 22x10" wheels and 315's on his and i have 20x9" on mine with 295s
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Illinois Chaos
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Illinois Chaos

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Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t.   Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t. I_icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2010, 7:52 am

DamnSTR8 wrote:
i know jontoad has 22x10" wheels and 315's on his and i have 20x9" on mine with 295s

No, Jon has the same setup as mine. Staggered 20x9 / 20x10.
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Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t.   Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t. I_icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2010, 10:48 am

I have staggered also with 20x10 w/285s in back and 20x9 w/255s up front. Nitto 420s
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Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t.   Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t. I_icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2010, 1:06 pm

[/quote]No, Jon has the same setup as mine. Staggered 20x9 / 20x10.[/quote]

ahh ok thats my bad i thought they were all around
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Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t.   Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t. I_icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2010, 7:21 pm

notice he has 18's...

a lot of people go 255/55/18 but its a bit taller. 245/50/18 would be better but there are not a lot of options besides nitto invos. those are great but keep in mind they are not a cold weather or winter tire.
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CAMM Rookie

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Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t.   Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t. I_icon_minitimeAugust 10th 2010, 9:09 pm

thank you guys for the advise. thank you very much
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PostSubject: Re: Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t.   Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t. I_icon_minitime

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Biggest tire size for my 08 charger r/t.
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