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joey d
CAMM Rookie

Location : new lenox
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PostSubject: rims   rims I_icon_minitimeJuly 26th 2010, 6:48 pm

Are 2006-2010 wheels interchangeable on rwd. I ask this because I see some wheels on ebay that fit 2007-2010, maybee just a misprint?
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PostSubject: Re: rims   rims I_icon_minitimeJuly 26th 2010, 9:01 pm

all years of the new chargers are the same bolt pattern. not only are they all interchangeable between chargers, but they fit on all 300c, magnum, and challengers too. all wheel drive models being the exception as they use a +47mm offset where rear wheel drive models use around +15mm to +18mm offset.

srt wheels need a 3mm front spacer on non SRT cars. replica SRT wheels do not. i do not recommend spacers though.
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