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 should i keep them???

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7 posters

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should i keep them??? Empty
PostSubject: should i keep them???   should i keep them??? I_icon_minitimeJuly 24th 2009, 1:45 am

i have a set of 22" kmc nova's on my car now. but... i was thinking about getting the black vipers with the red outline or the srt8 rims 22" black with a red outline to save $ on tires. any suggestions?? i get a lot of compliments on my rims now. im stuck between a rock and a bigger rock!!! scratch
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should i keep them??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: should i keep them???   should i keep them??? I_icon_minitimeJuly 24th 2009, 6:52 am

Me personally like the chrome look, unless your car is black. Then I would go with black rims, just me .02
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should i keep them??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: should i keep them???   should i keep them??? I_icon_minitimeJuly 24th 2009, 7:56 am

you all ready have wheels, i would put the $ into something else. imo
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should i keep them??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: should i keep them???   should i keep them??? I_icon_minitimeJuly 24th 2009, 9:16 am

I agree with Ghost, especially if you are already happy with the wheels you have. Smile
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should i keep them??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: should i keep them???   should i keep them??? I_icon_minitimeJuly 24th 2009, 9:59 pm

ghost wrote:
you all ready have wheels, i would put the $ into something else. imo


in my opinion tint your rear windows, get a lip spoiler, and a daytona style trunk spoiler. get a predator if you don't have one too.
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Mad Hatter
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Mad Hatter

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should i keep them??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: should i keep them???   should i keep them??? I_icon_minitimeJuly 24th 2009, 11:57 pm

What they said!

Keep your RIMs. You'll lose on the sale. Let's find some other things you really want.

Plus the Vipers are almost over done. There's a lot of folks getting rid of them now
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Location : CHICAGO
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should i keep them??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: should i keep them???   should i keep them??? I_icon_minitimeJuly 25th 2009, 2:39 am

well my charger is black and i do want some other stuff for it like the bling ringz,(with some assistance from a fellow CAMM member. if they dont mind) a chally hood, the daytona spoiler and yes the lip spoiler. theres not too much i can do as far as the motor goes, its only a 2.7 Crying or Very sad but i love my charger!!! i also want the daytona grill i was thinking about doing this mod to save some money.

should i do it??
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Mad Hatter
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Mad Hatter

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PostSubject: Re: should i keep them???   should i keep them??? I_icon_minitimeJuly 25th 2009, 11:17 pm

Stick with us Kid & you'll go far!

That seems like a lot work! Just troll the For Sale threads on the Forums & you'll find what you need in time.

Be warned, once you start Modding it is a Disease. You'll need Rehabm FAST!

And yes, there are some things you can do with your 2.7. Dont count yourself or IT Out!
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Location : CHICAGO
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should i keep them??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: should i keep them???   should i keep them??? I_icon_minitimeJuly 26th 2009, 2:16 am

Mad Hatter wrote:
Stick with us Kid & you'll go far!

That seems like a lot work! Just troll the For Sale threads on the Forums & you'll find what you need in time.

Be warned, once you start Modding it is a Disease. You'll need Rehabm FAST!

And yes, there are some things you can do with your 2.7. Dont count yourself or IT Out!
thanks for the advice. i already have the duals, HID'S, rims, sounds, led interior lights, shaved trunk lock and will be spray tinting my tails monday. i really like the bling ringz though and think the red will look sick on my black car. i think thats going to be a tough one for me to do by myself. i've baked headlights before it just seems like a pain in the a@# to remove them from the car. i also got the 1970'S CHARGER emblem coming any day now too. i know modding is very addicting but why pay for rehab when i can spend the money on my car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol!
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Mad Hatter
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Mad Hatter

Location : Hazel Crest, Il
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PostSubject: Re: should i keep them???   should i keep them??? I_icon_minitimeJuly 26th 2009, 11:12 am

See, you're already there!

Welcome, welcome, welcome!

now we just have to get you out
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Location : Virginia Beach, VA
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PostSubject: Re: should i keep them???   should i keep them??? I_icon_minitimeAugust 4th 2009, 5:10 pm

I'd say if you are happy with your rims, get the bling rings, front and rear spoilers and anything else you want..

The vipers and black SRT rims are nice but the KMC Novas are pretty hot too..
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Location : CHICAGO
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should i keep them??? Empty
PostSubject: Re: should i keep them???   should i keep them??? I_icon_minitimeAugust 4th 2009, 6:08 pm

Yea I will be ordering my blingrings this week
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PostSubject: Re: should i keep them???   should i keep them??? I_icon_minitime

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