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 Mopar night in Plainfield

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Mopar night in Plainfield - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mopar night in Plainfield   Mopar night in Plainfield - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeJuly 20th 2010, 9:55 pm

punkerjim wrote:
wait a minute... there's a "downtown" plainfield?

I grew up in Bolingbrook.... where the hell is there a downtown plainfield? guess that's what I get for not being out that way for 10 years or so.

um... downtown plainfield has some of the best bars in the area. go try some cajun grub at mojoes! they just added patios on all the bars so you can drink and eat outside near the street.

the downtown is all super nice and just got redone with great walkways. downtown plainfield is on lockport street going west of RT.59

id rathar go bar hoppin in Plainfield than downtown Naperville. i hate how Naperville gets at night.
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Mopar night in Plainfield - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Mopar night in Plainfield   Mopar night in Plainfield - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeJuly 20th 2010, 11:40 pm

jontoad wrote:
punkerjim wrote:
wait a minute... there's a "downtown" plainfield?

I grew up in Bolingbrook.... where the hell is there a downtown plainfield? guess that's what I get for not being out that way for 10 years or so.

um... downtown plainfield has some of the best bars in the area. go try some cajun grub at mojoes! they just added patios on all the bars so you can drink and eat outside near the street.

the downtown is all super nice and just got redone with great walkways. downtown plainfield is on lockport street going west of RT.59

id rathar go bar hoppin in Plainfield than downtown Naperville. i hate how Naperville gets at night.

guess that's what i get for being in Chicago for the last 10 years.....

house is on the market so hopefully will be moving back out to a place where my neighbor isn't three feet away from me.
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Location : Plainfield
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PostSubject: Re: Mopar night in Plainfield   Mopar night in Plainfield - Page 2 I_icon_minitimeJuly 21st 2010, 8:28 am

Hey Roger - was good to meet up with you and Jackie as well. Was one of the better turn outs last night. Not an overwhelming number of Mopars but getting there...

Yah - only been in Plainfield for a few years but it's pretty nice. A lot of restaurants/bars have outside seating now. Nice to hang out, have some suds & fresh tacos and watch the rides frump, frump, frump on by on a Sat. afternoon.
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PostSubject: Re: Mopar night in Plainfield   Mopar night in Plainfield - Page 2 I_icon_minitime

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