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 cam swap - kinda a mess.

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2 posters

Location : Plainfield
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cam swap - kinda a mess. Empty
PostSubject: cam swap - kinda a mess.   cam swap - kinda a mess. I_icon_minitimeMay 29th 2010, 3:06 pm

Well I changed out my Spartan cam for a 268. Put the damn thing in one tooth off. Have a wheel but loaned it out and never got it back. I hate that feeling when you finish a 5hr job and realize basically you gotta do it over... Well it's running now but needs some tuning help to get it right. Been lucky the last couple cams I did with no wheel, guess it's time to get a new one. Well, hopefully Stu gets my tune going good for the dyno day coming up -
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CAMM Member

Location : Rock Falls Ill
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cam swap - kinda a mess. Empty
PostSubject: Re: cam swap - kinda a mess.   cam swap - kinda a mess. I_icon_minitimeMay 29th 2010, 5:18 pm

Damn man that sux!! That thing is gonna scream.......
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cam swap - kinda a mess.
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