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 think I fried my PCM

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think I fried my PCM Empty
PostSubject: think I fried my PCM   think I fried my PCM I_icon_minitimeMay 5th 2010, 8:30 pm

Wired my 5.7 up for 6.1 coil/valve cover set up. I used a junkyard harness at first, cut the 5.7 connectors and soldered on the 6.1 and truck went into in limp mode (no codes but no throttle). Pulled the harness and reconfigured the origional harness from the truck. Turck fired right up, no limp mode but throwing P2314 and P2302. Codes are related to coil pack 1 and 5. Ignition Coil Secondary Circuit Insufficient Ionization I have read in forms where guys get these codes from shorty wires or doing the conversion. Sometimes they go away. I decided to go back to the 5.7 long wire set up and get rid of the codes, cut and solder again... Same codes AND now I melt coil packs - cool stuff. I ordered a new harness and coils from dodge - put it on and smae codes... Off she goes to the stealer for some over prices fist in my ass all beacuse I put an incompatable harness on or I cant solder... Really pissed at my self at this point!
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think I fried my PCM Empty
PostSubject: Re: think I fried my PCM   think I fried my PCM I_icon_minitimeMay 5th 2010, 8:44 pm

I have a 6.1 pcm I can sell you.
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Location : Chitown western burbs
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think I fried my PCM Empty
PostSubject: Re: think I fried my PCM   think I fried my PCM I_icon_minitimeAugust 17th 2011, 3:59 am

Wow that sucks dude!! I hope the coils weren't to pricey from the dealer...did you consider MDS?
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PostSubject: Re: think I fried my PCM   think I fried my PCM I_icon_minitime

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think I fried my PCM
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