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 God those little light bulbs are a PITA!!!!

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Location : Chicago, IL
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God those little light bulbs are a PITA!!!! Empty
PostSubject: God those little light bulbs are a PITA!!!!   God those little light bulbs are a PITA!!!! I_icon_minitimeApril 22nd 2010, 6:26 pm

So I figured that I would change my 194NA Bulbs in the headlight on both sides. With some led ones so that I won't have to change them ever again... hopefully. I have a normal sized hand...a bit on the big size, but I was trying to reach do that end on the Mag Headlight and wow! I said words that only few have every heard while working on an LX and getting at those annoying parts with our cars. Anywho I like the change and I would like to say that I'll never have to worry about that damn light again. On a cool side note since the bulbs are bright white not only does the lens turn orange from the color, but under it comes a bit of the white that kinda gives is a cool glow but it's minimal.
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God those little light bulbs are a PITA!!!!
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